Sunrise and sunset at Guishan island

Sunrise and sunset at Guishan island

Guishan Island is 10 kilometers east of Toucheng Town and it is the largest island of Yilan County. Guishan Island is also the only active volcano in Taiwan and is the only island with residents in Yilan. Not only is the landmark of Yilan, Guishan Island also an emblem of Yilan spirit. Guishan Island, as known as Guishan Yu, got its name because its shape resembles a turtle. In 1999, the government abolished the martial laws and Yilan government began to petition for making Guishan Island a tourist attraction. In 1999, the government designated Guishan Island to be part the Northeastern Coastal Tourist District. In order to preserve the natural environment, the number of tourists is controlled. With the growing popularity of whale watching, Guishan Island has become the hottest tourist attraction.

Gui Lake, as known as Guiwei Lake, was a freshwater lake. However, the islanders tried to draw seawater to the lake but failed. Thus, currently, the lake is half fresh and half salt water. There is a statue of Goddess of Mercy overlooking Guiwei Lake and the local residents. There is an underwater world in Guishan Island. Despite large amounts of sulfur and acid in the area, it is amazing that crabs still thrive here. The magnificent coastal views are worth visiting.

If you want to visit Guishan Island, you must apply in advance.
